Zhuhai, 13 November, 2024. Hosted by Zhuhai Airshow Group and Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd, the AERO Asia 2025 press conference took place today at the Zhuhai International Airshow Center. Mr Stefan Reisinger, CEO of Fairnamic GmbH, and Mr Ludwig Meier, board member of Messe Friedrichshafen GmbH, attended on behalf of AERO brand. Mr Jeff Sun, Chairman and General Manager of Zhuhai Airshow Group, and Ms Wendy Wen, Managing Director of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd, represented the organisers and delivered remarks. Other notable attendees included Mr Xiao Zhiyuan, Vice President of AOPA China, Mr Yu Xuewang, President of the Zhuhai International Arbitration Center, along with partners and exhibitor representatives such as ASBAA, WEFLY Aviation, ZeroG, AVIC General Aircraft, Sunward, and Nanyang Technological University of Singapore, among others.

AERO Asia 2025: Building on Past Success and Anticipating Growth
Following the success of the inaugural AERO Asia in 2023, which attracted 268 exhibitors from 17 countries and regions, 68,000 visitors, and welcomed speakers and attendees from over 27 countries, AERO Asia will return from November 6 – 9, 2025 at the Zhuhai International Airshow Center. Co-hosted by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd and Zhuhai Airshow Group, this edition aims to elevate AERO Asia’s standing as the leading general aviation platform in the Asia-Pacific region. Propelled by robust demographic trends, a shift toward a sustainable economy, and the rapid development of a low-altitude economy, the Asia-Pacific region, with China at its forefront, continues to be a catalyst for global growth in this dynamic industry.
Mr Stefan Reisinger, CEO of Fairnamic, expressed confidence in the market: “China and Asia are one of the world’s most dynamic and innovative aviation markets, presenting us with a unique platform to showcase these advancements and foster international collaboration.” Messe Frankfurt’s deep exhibition industry expertise will be a driving force behind this partnership, having successfully held around 80 annual trade shows in Asia over the past 30 years.
Ms Wendy Wen, Managing Director of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd, shared her enthusiasm: “The Asian aviation market is on the rise, especially here in China. With a three-party collaboration, AERO can continue to expand as a world-class exhibition brand, linking the Asian market to global aviation.” Mr Jeff Sun, Chairman of Zhuhai Airshow Group, emphasises Zhuhai's role as host city: “As the cradle of China’s airshow, Zhuhai possesses distinctive geographical and environmental advantages. Our goal is to highlight the city’s accomplishments in the low-altitude economy and general aviation sectors, attracting the attention of both domestic and international businesses and investors.”
AERO Asia 2025: Theme and Exhibition Highlights
With a strong emphasis on low-altitude economy, AERO Asia 2025, will present the theme “A New Era: Explore More”, focusing on emerging topics like, autonomy, intelligence, and low-carbon solutions. Project Director Ms Marina Gu highlighted the show’s expanded scale, which includes both indoor and outdoor displays across Halls 2-5, the apron, and the conference centre in Airshow Complex. The exhibition will feature five key areas: business jet / UL / VLA / LSA, rotorcraft (helicopter & VCA), drones / intelligent application scenarios, engine / green aviation energy, and infrastructure /service / MRO / supply & components. Additionally, various matchmaking areas, an aviation finance zone, a start-up area, and local pavilions are being planned.
Currently, the area for booth reservations has exceeded 3,000 square meters. Boosted by Messe Frankfurt’s extensive global sales network, AERO Asia 2025 anticipates a significant 30% surge in international exhibitor participation. The fair will feature an array of forums delving into cutting-edge topics such as the low-altitude economy, urban air mobility, aviation finance, E-Aviation, business aviation, and airworthiness policies. Exhibitor roadshows, Career@AERO, interactive experiences, demo flights, aircraft performance demonstrations, and science popularisation activities will continue to be held.
Strategic Partnerships for Aviation Law and Dispute Resolution
AOPA China and the Zhuhai International Arbitration Center have been named strategic partners of AERO Asia 2025 as Vice President Mr Xiao Zhiyuan and Vice President Mr Xu Zhiming signed an agreement at the event. Next year, they will co-host a forum and salon on aviation law, inviting industry experts to share insights on arbitration and mediation practices in the aviation industry. This initiative reinforces the 2023 “Zhuhai Initiative for Promoting High-Quality Development in Aviation through Commercial Mediation.”
Diverse Aircraft Participation Options
In 2023, 32 aircrafts from 9 Chinese provinces and 12 cities flew into Zhuhai for AERO Asia, covering a flight distance of over 32,000 kilometers. AERO Asia 2025 will continue to offer static aircraft displays, demo flights, aerobatic team demonstrations, and on-site experience activities. Mr Zenith Yang, Vice President of WEFLY Aviation Technology, a domestic newcomer eVTOL company that has already registered for the event, introduced the company’s innovative eVTOL model, the WF-02. He stated: “since our founding in 2022, we have been dedicated to advancing safe, efficient, and eco-friendly aerial mobility solutions, which align perfectly with AERO Asia’s commitment to future technologies and green aviation. WEFLY plans to showcase the WF-02 full-scale manned eVTOL, demonstrating its applications in tourism and commercial transportation, as well as showcasing autonomous flight control and minimalist flight achievements.” Next year, more "Global Debuts" are anticipated with excitement.
As a flagship event of the AERO brand, AERO Asia stands alongside other leading general aviation exhibitions, including AERO Friedrichshafen in Germany and AERO South Africa.
Co-organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd and Zhuhai Airshow Group, AERO Asia will be held from November 6 – 9, 2025.
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Contact Information for Exhibitors
Overseas Exhibitors (including the regions of Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan):
Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd
Ms. Crister Lau
Tel: +852 2238 9989
Email: Crister.Lau@hongkong.messefrankfurt.com
Domestic Exhibitors (Mainland China):
Zhuhai Airshow Group Co Ltd
Mr. Alan Zhang
Tel: 0756-3376288
Email: zhanghn@airshow.com.cn
Ms. Marina Gu
Tel: 0756-3376288
Email: marina.gu@airshow.com.cn
Press contact:
Telly Cheuk
Phone: +852 2238 9956
Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd
35/F, China Resources Building
26 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Background information on Messe Frankfurt
The Messe Frankfurt Group is the world’s largest trade fair, congress and event organiser with its own exhibition grounds. With a workforce of some 2,300 people at its headquarters in Frankfurt am Main and in 28 subsidiaries, it organises events around the world. Group sales in financial year 2023 were around € 609 million. We serve our customers’ business interests efficiently within the framework of our Fairs & Events, Locations and Services business fields. One of Messe Frankfurt’s key strengths is its powerful and closely knit global sales network, which covers around 180 countries in all regions of the world. Our comprehensive range of services – both onsite and online – ensures that customers worldwide enjoy consistently high quality and flexibility when planning, organising and running their events. We are using our digital expertise to develop new business models. The wide range of services includes renting exhibition grounds, trade fair construction and marketing, personnel and food services.
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With its headquarters in Frankfurt am Main, the company is owned by the City of Frankfurt (60 percent) and the State of Hesse (40 percent).
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